
Bengalkatzen sind intelligent, neugierig, verspielt und menschenbezogen, sie wollen dabei sein. Damit es ihnen bei uns möglichst gut geht, habe ich hier einige praktische Informationen zusammen getragen.

Vaccinations of Bengals

Posted in Bengalkatzen Krankheiten und Erbkrankheiten

The kittens are vaccinated by us at the age of  8 and 12 weeks against cat's flu and Panleukopenia. Then the new owner can fresh up this vaccination every year. Your vet will advise you. At every vet visit, the vaccination booklet that we deliver with the kitten shall be brought along. Leukemia vaccination is recommended for cats that walk outside and can be bitten by other cats. For cats that should travel abroad, additional rabies vaccination is necessary.


Posted in Bengalkatzen Krankheiten und Erbkrankheiten

The most common parasites are removed with the recommended regular deworming. We want to be sure there is nothing wrong and start to deworm the young kittens at the age of 2 weeks with  Panacur paste and continue every two weeks till the kittens leave in their new home. Later it is recommended for the new owner to deworm his cat four times a year, even if the cat lives in an apartment